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2018-03-19 S.B. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 19, 2018 – 7:30 PM
Selectboard – Town Hall Annex
– Meeting w/Adv. Cmte. in Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Edith Morgan & Richard Bisk w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  Adv. Cmte. members: Chair John Shipman, Wayne Adams, George Handy, Judy Dino, Bill Lawton, Jim O’Coin & Don Schoeny.

Monty Tech Budget  7:30 PM – Meeting was opened by Jon F. Monty Tech Supt. Sheila Harrity Ed.D. was in with her staff for PowerPoint presentation of their budget. Business Manager Tammy Crockett went through numbers and details, noting several new programs and the grant funding which made them a success, such as the Veterinarian Science Train Center. With dozens of applications, there were 22 students accepted in this program this year. Monty Tech is partnering with MWCC and Becker College for advanced certificates and degrees in the field
        Monty Tech receives 52 percent of its funding from the state and 38.4 percent from members towns. The cost per student is currently $16,182/year. George H. asked what happens when the final budget comes in less than was voted at the May ATM, and Tammy explained that the bill to Princeton is adjusted down in the 3rd and 4th quarters. There was some discussion about salaries, and staff who receive stipends for longevity after they have reached the top limit in step increases.
Road Advisory Committee – Glenn Lyons and Bill Holder was in with Kevin Toohey who gave a PowerPoint presentation on completed and pending highway projects.. He mentioned the new Small Bridge Grant from the state which helps small towns especially. Planned projects are often superseded by emergency repairs, such as a culvert that washed out completely at Mirick Road and the Route 31 (at Hwy. Barn) bridge replacement. Grants and Chapt. 90 funds from the state have covered  87 percent of road costs since 510456080xxxx510456080Richard Bisk, leaving a net cost to town of $3.5 million. The RAC strongly supports regularly funding highway budget at the $350,000 which has been approved at ATM in recent years.
The RAC noted that   engineering must be done before the state will fund construction. Since  Princeton has done this in the past, it sometimes got moved up in the queue for state funding because the project was shovel-ready. The three S.B. members praised the teamwork of the RAC and Hwy. Dept. and their ongoing successes.
Policy on tax title taking  9 PM  - Jim Dunbar was in to explain recommendation from the auditor to follow a consistent procedure and adopt a Tax Title Policy to deal with tax delinquent properties, and eventually begin the foreclosure process—which takes about two years in Land Court. An overdue warning goes out one year and 60 days after a tax payment deadline is missed, with 14 percent annual interest added on. More “warning” steps are mandated before the town takes title to a property, giving property owners multiple chances to pay taxes owed. The board voted all in favor to approve the policy as presented.
510456081Advisory Cmte. bylaw change – Jon F. has proposed a bylaw change that would explicitly give the Adv. Cmte. more responsibility to look at financial matters. While State statute gives them the charge to “consider any or all municipal questions,” Jon argued that Princeton’s town bylaws should explicitly include this statement. Jon agreed to send a draft to the Adv. Cmte. Review Cmte. and to the Adv. Cmte. so the S.B. can get some feedback.510456081Richard Bisk
Route 140 update  9:15 PM  Appraisals are nearly complete. The Offer of Just Compensation (letter to residents) will go out first thing in April. A public hearing by the Selectboard will be required because the footprint of a public way is being moved. This is followed by ATM authorization, and a Selectboard vote after that.
Charter Cable Franchise  Nina speaks with Charter regularly to be able to provide monthly updates to residents.  Town officials are still hoping for some reimbursement from Verizon for make-ready work.
FSC Needs Assessment & Four Buildings Master Plan  At the last S.B. meeting, the board voted to support Option A from the FSC list, which essentially calls for one continuous project to address all buildings for a $12 million cost;  which is less than the total for the piecemeal approach in the other options. The group discussed detail of that vote, weighing whether they intended it to mean “support” or “present.”
Edith is proposing soliciting private funds and taking pledges for Bagg Hall and a community center on the 2nd floor.She  is holding a meeting on Sunday to discuss this possibility.
P.O. Place for COA options  9:35 PM  Jon F. raised possibility of using former Sonoma space or other space at Post Office Place  for COA, if only as temporary measure. , There was some discussion about the costs involved. The S.B. voted all in favor to authorize Nina (with Edith as SB liaison) to investigate options/details about leasing space from the Masons, and getting a proposal for use of space by the community center..
There was an explanation from Nina about the state law mandating a requirement for an Owner’s Project Manager on any project valued at more than $1.5 million.
Public Participation Policy  9:50 PM  The policy had been reviewed and all decided it would pass muster as is. It will get posted online and distributed to all boards and committees and copies printed for distribution with the agendas at S.B. meetings.
  • Gun Violence and Public Safety  9:55 PM– Discussion by Selectboard was continued from 3/12. Richy had distributed a 2012 Washington Post article coauthored by Congressman Dickey about how the Dickey Amendment effectively eliminated CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) funding  for research into causes of gun violence. The article  noted that the CDC had researched causes for vehicle fatalities which led to changes that substantially reduced  vehicle deaths. Richy moved to send a letter to Representative McGovern, Senator Warren and Senator Markey stating:
The Princeton Selectboard is strongly concerned by the level of gun violence in our country and concerned that federal law limits the ability to study causes of this violence.  We urge you to support the repeal of the Dickey Amendment.  The Dickey Amendment has prevented the CDC from conducting research on gun violence.   
. Jon F. was reluctant to have the S.B. take a political position, and Richy said as elected officials “we are political” and that this is a health and safety issue. Richy and Edith then voted yes and Jon voted no, although he insisted that he personally was in favor of funding research on gun violence.
Budget communication to residents  10:15 PM  Jon distributed a letter to residents explaining budget challenges and constraints and how the S.B. is working with the Adv. Cmte. to tackle projects while cutting costs. The board voted all in favor to distribute it to residents, starting with Town News.
Board of Registrars appointment  - Rosemary Fudeman's term on the Board of Registrars expires on March 31, 2018 and she wishes to be reappointed to the board. The Republican Town Committee submitted a letter of support. The board voted all in favor (with Jon F. abstaining) to appoint her for a term 4/1/18 through 3/31/21.
Minor Library Roof Renovation  -  The town received a low quote (within amount budgeted) on the library roof renovation for about $29,000 and the Selectboard voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to enter into a contract with Cavanaugh Contracting, Inc.
PILOT funds from DCR   Nina noted a letter from DCR that FY18 PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) funds are $256,766.98 which is up from 0.6% from FY17
FY19 Budget – Nina is working on the Selectboard’s directive to present a 2.5% or 3% budget
and she anticipates being prepared to present information at the April 2nd meeting.
Discussion on minutes  10:30 PM  Group discussed voting on minutes before Old Business and after appointments/visitors. They pointed out a few corrections to minutes of March 5, 6 & 12 and voted all in favor to approve them as amended along with Feb. 20, March 1 & 8.

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:  Jon moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and possibly return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.
Exemption Two - To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with
nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations
with nonunion personnel – Classification & Compensation Study for FY19
. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” Richy voted “Aye”


Adjourned Executive Session 10:43 PM In roll call, board voted to adjourn from Exec. Session and return to open session.

Returned to Open Session at 10:43 PM The board voted to adjust the hourly rate of Admin Assistant Terri Longtine, back to January 1, 2018 due to the increased responsibilities of her position.

Adjourned 10:45 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

BOS Referenced Documents: PowerPoint presentation of Monty Tech budget; PowerPoint presentation on highway projects from RAC; Tax Title Policy; draft of bylaw change re: Adv. Cmte: Public Participation Policy;  Washington Post article; budget letter to residents from Jon; letter of support from Republican Cmte.; letter from DCR on FY18 PILOT.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department